On 4/11/11 9:29 AM, "Bob Bates" <robert.ba...@wellsfargo.com> wrote:

>If one gets the PSP buckets and put them on at the same time as the RSU,
>as one should, wouldn't it always show the ++?

Yes, but that's as it should. RSU is the basic level set of "service
level", and if you add the PSP bucket on top of it, then you are not
running service level X, but service level X++. Thus it's providing the
correct indication.

I guess I'm thinking that the number of PTFs between RSUs is small enough
now that you're more likely to see a RSU come out sooner than you would
apply COR between RSUs. Not like the VM/SP days...8-) I know a lot of
shops that never apply COR unless it's totally critical to keeping the
machine up -- they'd rather wait for the RSUs because of the amount of
testing required to get stuff into prod.

>I do like the idea of something that lists all the fixes easily,
>preferably by CP so logging on to MAINT isn't necessary (ok, I guess I
>could link the necessary disks, etc to do it from my id). But CP Q PTF
>ALL? Or CP Q PTF VM64123? Wouldn't that be nice. SERVICE STAT shows
>everything except if the current active nuc has the fix, this could
>bridge that gap.

The reason I want it as part of SERVICE is that that way, it would work
for *all* SES maintained components in the same way. With some of the
non-IBM vendors starting to use SES maintenance, that would make
everybody's life easier. A CP command would be nice too, but I think it's
in addition to the extra function in SERVICE.

Also, SERVICE is what the newbies are trained to use, so that's kinda
where it has to go IMHO. Most of them don't even know that VMFSIM exists,
let alone the way to construct the insane number of arguments to get it to
report anything useful.

-- db

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