Hmmph..  we didn't have REXECD enabled on my test system -- so I did so ..
and added the :nick.REXECD tag with Anonymous.YES to SYSTEM DTCPARMS.

What I see on a debug is much like yours - but also with this:

+++ Lookup_Details.OUT
  $ParmFile_Serve = IBM DTCPARMS E1
  $ParmFile_Class = IBM DTCPARMS E1
+++ Lookup_Details.OUT
  $ParmFile_Serve = IBM DTCPARMS E1
  $ParmFile_Class = IBM DTCPARMS E1

Like you - my SYSTEM DTCPARMS is on D..  so it doesn't appear it's using it.

The NAME SEARCH debug info got me thinking..   So I did this in my SYSTEM

:Nick.REXECD :Type.Server :Class.rexec

Note that I added :Type.Server and :class.rexec

Once I did this -- voila --  it found my entry in SYSTEM DTCPARMS, started
up RXAGENT1 and was happy.  Even the -d parm was honored and I get more
debug info from rexec itself.

So - this looks like  bug - either doc or code...    but try changing your
:Nick.REXECD to include type and class.

The NAMES file search seems to be looking for both the nickname AND the Type
tag.   To specify :type - you also have to specify :class.    I'm guessing
it should be searching on just :Nick.. and this is a workaround.

Hope this helps.. please open a PMR!

Scott Rohling

On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 4:08 PM, Tom Duerbusch

> I only have two of them, SYSTEM and IBM.  I'm updating SYSTEM.
> It is on the D drive for user REXECD which is above the E drive where the
> IBM is.
> But that got me looking at the IBM on.
> That set of parms are different then what is on the SYSTEM on.
> The subset of the IBM one is:
> :nick.REXECD    :type.server  :class.rexec
> :nick.RXAGENT1  :type.server  :class.rexec_agent   :for.REXECD
> .*======================================================================
> .* Remote Execution (REXEC) and Remote Shell (RSH) daemon
> .*----------------------------------------------------------------------
> :nick.rexec   :type.class
>              :name.Remote Execution daemon
>              :command.REXECD
>              :runtime.C
>              :anonymous.NO
>              :ESM_Enable.NO
>              :ESM_Validate.RPIVAL
>              :ESM_Racroute.RPIUCMS
> .*======================================================================
> .* Anonymous Remote Execution (REXEC) and Remote Shell (RSH) agents
> .*----------------------------------------------------------------------
> :nick.rexec_agent
>              :type.class
>              :name.Anonymous Remote Execution agent
>              :command.RXSNDIU
>              :runtime.C
> My SYSTEM one only has:
> :Nick.REXECD
>  :Parms.
>  :Anonymous.YES
>   :ESM_Enable.
>  :ESM_Validate.
> :Nick.RXAGENT1   :type.server  :class.rexec_agent
>   :For.REXECD
> :Nick.RXAGENT2   :type.server  :class.rexec_agent
>   :For.REXECD
> Looking at the output from debug, it sure looks like I'm picking up the IBM
> But based on other items in my SYSTEM DTCPARMS file, I know that it is,
> being executed.
> Tom Duerbusch
> THD Consulting
> >>> Scott Rohling <> 7/15/2011 4:52 PM >>>
> Which DTCPARMS are you updating?    Is a 'lower level' one perhaps
> overriding?    The order is userid, nodeid, SYSTEM, and lastly IBM DTCPARMS
> which should not be touched.
> Scott Rohling
> On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 3:11 PM, Tom Duerbusch
> <>wrote:
> > OK, got it.
> >
> > For REXECD:
> >
> > 'Access 198 D'
> > 'Access 591 E'
> > 'Access 592 F'
> >
> >
> >
> > TCPRUN Level = 520
> > TIME IS 15:55:07 CDT FRIDAY 07/15/11
> > CONNECT= 00:14:44 VIRTCPU= 000:00.27 TOTCPU= 000:00.35
> > z/VM Version 5 Release 2.0, service level 0602 (64-bit)
> > Generated at 09/18/06 18:39:52 CDT
> > IPL at 08/08/10 16:51:42 CDT
> > IPLSYS=CMS      DEVNUM=00016
> > CMS Level 22, Service Level 602
> > --------------------------------------------------
> > +++ GetInternetData
> >  $TCPhost        = STLMP11
> >  $TCPstack       = TCPIP
> > DTCRUN1022I Console log will be sent to default owner ID: TCPMAINT
> > +++ Lookup_Details.IN
> >  How             = BYUSER
> >  Search_Value    =
> > +++ Namesearch:
> >  Target          = :NICK REXECD :TYPE SERVER
> >  NFopts          =
> >  $SearchResults. = @NICK REXECD
> >                    @TYPE SERVER
> >                    @CLASS REXEC
> > +++ Lookup_Details.IN
> >  How             = BYCLASS
> >  Search_Value    = REXEC
> > +++ Namesearch:
> >  Target          = :NICK REXEC :TYPE CLASS
> >  NFopts          =
> >  $SearchResults. = @NICK REXEC
> >                    @TYPE CLASS
> >                    @NAME Remote Execution daemon
> >                    @COMMAND REXECD
> >                    @RUNTIME C
> >                    @ANONYMOUS NO
> >                    @ESM_ENABLE NO
> >                    @ESM_VALIDATE RPIVAL
> >                    @ESM_RACROUTE RPIUCMS
> > +++ Lookup_Details.OUT
> > +++ Lookup_Details.OUT
> > +++ Query_Write
> >  @Diskwarn       = NO
> >  pctneed         = NO
> >  fm              =
> > DTCRUN1021R To cancel Remote Execution daemon startup, type any non-blan
> >            character and press ENTER. To continue startup, just press E
> > DTCRUN1011I Server started at 15:55:08 on 15 Jul 2011 (Friday)
> > DTCRUN1011I Running "REXECD"
> >
> >
> > OK, now I see the problem  "@ANONYMOUS NO ", so back to the DTCPARMS:
> >
> > :nick.REXECD
> >  :Parms.
> >  :Anonymous.yes
> >  :ESM_Enable.
> >  :ESM_Validate.
> >
> > :Nick.RXAGENT1   :type.server  :class.rexec_agent
> >   :For.REXECD
> >
> > :Nick.RXAGENT2   :type.server  :class.rexec_agent
> >   :For.REXECD
> >
> > What is wrong with my :Anonymous.yes?
> >
> > Tom Duerbusch
> > THD Consulting
> >
> > >>> Alan Altmark <> 7/15/2011 3:45 PM >>>
> > On Friday, 07/15/2011 at 04:42 EDT, Tom Duerbusch
> > <> wrote:
> > > This is what I get with debug on:
> > >
> > > rexec -d -l guest -p guest cp ind
> > > REXEC Level 520, Internal version id MT04091
> > > parms is -d -l guest -p guest ind
> >
> > Not seeing TCPRUN output created by (DEBUG option on TCPRUN.  Looking for
> > REXECD initialization.
> >
> > Alan Altmark
> >
> > Senior Managing z/VM and Linux Consultant
> > IBM System Lab Services and Training
> >
> > office: 607.429.3323
> > mobile; 607.321.7556
> >
> > IBM Endicott
> >

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