On Mon, Nov 26, 2007 at 10:12:19AM -0600, Debbie K. wrote:
> > and does it make any difference that the gait he "lost" was his trot and
> > not his tolt?
> Good point Vicka, however, you are also saying that with the right
> barefoot trim and some other changes he is trotting again... so, you
> farretted out the problem, made the necessary changes and found his
> trot again...
> Pam is saying that her farrier is excellent... and that the gait is
> gone... that she has to wear shoes to gait..

i'm just wondering whether if she had a wonderful barefoot trimmer, her 
horse might not also gait barefoot.  stjarni's trot is back and i am SO
> Personally I think if she used Raven's barefoot trimmer, she would
> find that her Icy would gait after a few trims,

or mine (barbara connors in southern ma :)

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