On Wed, Jan 09, 2008 at 02:31:36PM -0600, Janice McDonald wrote:
> >  i have not tried bridleless on the trail yet at all.
> just seems tho a horse wouldnt take to bridle-less too well if it
> gallops back to the barn just because you stopped to adjust a glove.

i wasn't there, but i suspect my student's inattention lasted rather
longer than that.  stjarni does do fine with this in the ring, but he 
is definitely on the "goey" side and would far rather gallop than graze, 
especially given that this is winter in new england and there isn't any

however, even if he never does go bridle-less on the trail, we're
definitely having a fun and interesting time playing with it in the
ring, and i have no intention of stopping our experimentation with it.


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