>  i have not tried bridleless on the trail yet at all.

just seems tho a horse wouldnt take to bridle-less too well if it
gallops back to the barn just because you stopped to adjust a glove.
I can drop reins and Tivar and Jaspar will walk over and start
grazing. ButTivar headed back to the barn when my daughter rode him
and I think it was because he was upset someone new was riding him.
Whatever the reason, maybe she did something wrong, whatever, he was
uncomfortable with it and wanted to go HOME.  She said later she was
afraid of him and no doubt he picked up on that...  I have found also,
my horses behave better on the trail than at home.  If the paddock is
in view they are sorta uninspired for lack of a better word!  I just
feel there is a similarity between riding bridle less and being able
to let go of the reins a minute to fiddle with something, dont you?
In both cases the horse is being cued with legs/seat and behaving
without steering mechanisms.  or misbehaving as the case may be.  I
have to direct rein my Stonewall for instance even tho he is perfectly
fine tuned at neck reining and leg reining.  I have to direct rein him
tho because he waits til he has a couple of inches wiggle room and
zeeeeee whirls or does something nutty.  i think he needs ritalin.
But i would no more try to ride bridle-less with him than try to
parasail into an active volcano.  I would not hesitate to ride Tivar
or jaspar tho, in fact i woukdnt even worry about it.

yipie tie yie yo

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