On Wed, Jan 09, 2008 at 04:49:25PM -0500, Karen Thomas wrote:
> I think there is somewhat of a similarity...except that ALL horses with any 
> degree of training should be able to stand while someone makes a minor 
> adjustment in their clothing, grabs a sip of water, whatever, but that I 
> wouldn't really expect so many riders to be prepared to ride totally 
> bridleless.  I'd say that being able to drop the reins is a very basic skill 
> for any horse/rider pair though.

i admit that i've done that plenty of times (incl. not-so-minor changes
as taking off or putting on a coat) and stjarni just stands there or
walks on, as the case may be.  but we haven't tried that bridleless, and
i do try to keep one hand at least looped through the reins while doing it.
> I sure wouldn't let a small child ride any horse I own out of my sight

this student of mine is thirteen, so somewhere between "small" and
"adult", i guess.  when i was thirteen i had my own horse and i don't
think i ever rode in any supervisory sight at all, as i had no instructor 
and my parents are uninterested in horses.  i had my adventures (and i
think now my student has had one of her own), but neither i nor my pony
came to harm.

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