>Some interesting stuff from the FEIF Education Committee meeting <

Thanks for sharing this with us Mic.     I found this statement, or the 
wording of it interesting:

>We need to discuss and negotiate the question: what is good riding?<

I wondered if they meant to use the word, "navigate" instead of "negotiate"?

   When I hear the word negotiate, I think more in terms of concessions, 
compromises, give and take stuff.    In that context, is good riding 

   I know everyone will have their own opinion as to what good riding 
entails (hence the polarity between the NH camp and the European-influenced 
riding camp within the Icelandic breed).     But to me, it is a relatively 
simple matter of determining if the riding  is giving priority to the horse 
first and foremost, or the human's ego first and foremost.   The same can be 
said in deciding what is good training.

-- Renee M. in Michigan 

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