--- Susan Coombes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 I've been chewing on this statement.   What is riding versus what is

horsemanship?    Have you guys ever thought about this?

My first thoughts (before my first lesson) were that I would be
taught how to just be around horses. Then how to observe their
behaviour.Then how to interact in a friendly way. Next some
groundwork such as leading. Lessons in tack and grooming. Eventually
I might be thought good enough to start riding lessons. 

When we give lessons, which we no longer do a lot of...we do
horsemanship, trail riding lessons.  We always start by how to be
with the horse on the ground, going over tack, both western and
english...cleaning hooves,grooming etc.  Catching the horse, if you
can not catch them, groom them, bridle them, its kinda hard to

Horsemanship lessons includes everything.....many people give riding
lessons...you learn how to just ride.


   tropicaltreks.com  808-443-6085  
   Fire Island Professional Farrier Service-640-6080

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