On Tue, 15 Apr 2008 09:33:32 -0700, you wrote:

>Or do they step gingerly, picking their way for the most part?

They are happy to run around if they are wearing ice nails,
apparently. I've not seen it - never been to an icetolt - but a friend
who went to one in Holland said the horses were allowed loose on to
the ice before it all started and they seemed to love it as they felt
secure on it.

I'm going to the first UK icetolt next weekend - judging. I'll let you
know how it goes.... and then make up my mind one way or the other,
never having been much good at taking anything on faith! ; )


Mic (Michelle) Rushen

Solva Icelandic Horses and DeMeulenkamp Sweet Itch Rugs: 
"Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes"

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