She also says (and  I think I finally may have enough perspective to have 
an opinion) that a  green horse will often jump on trail simply out of lack 
> experience/perspective...they simply don't know yet what they can step 
> over
> and what NEEDS to be jumped.

I agree completely.  I did not allow Tosca to jump until she had quietly 
walked over everything for several months.  She is jumping about 8" - 12" 
logs with permission and never from the walk, only when moving forward.  She 
is not allowed to jump twigs nor do I  allow her to jump over a little dark 
gully with water running at it's base.  This is a spot that the majority of 
horses  would like to jump the first few times because the lighting is 
tricky and they can't figure out the perspective.

  The rules are that she can jump what I want to jump, not what she's too 
green to negotiate.

To further complicate this, Hunter is NEVER allowed to jump anything. 
Although he seems to have turned into a sedate grown up trail horse, he has 
such a history of anxiety that I feel he needs to step carefully through 
everything.  I use the cue "step", taught at the mounting block  They both 
have learned that "step" means to take a look and a step forward, one step 
at a time.  And it never means "leap".


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