On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 9:49 PM, susan cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- On Fri, 6/27/08, Karen Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> if I've misjudged, I could put her into
>> a situation of needing remedial
>> work
> That's the mistake I made with Andi - only in my case it was taking him out 
> WITH a horse that sent us to summer school!  He was doing fine all by 
> himself.  It was putting him with another horse (my mother's horse) that set 
> our program backwards!  So again, it's an individual horse's thing.
> Susan in NV     read my blog to see why I ride my horse in pink:  
> http://desertduty.blogspot.com/

I started stonewall, and honestly, he wasnt nutty at all his first
year under saddle.  But then when it became clear he was smooth gaited
and loved to go fast fast, I started riding him with people who had
fast horses, because Jaspar, if made to go fast, would break into a
hard pace and he was too low energy to keep up and it was not right
for me to expect him to canter all the time while the other horses did
a saddle rack or runningwalk.  SO I would take stonewall everywhere
with fast fast horses.  So when he almost killed me a couple of times
and I sent him to a trainer she said "wow, its like he has been taught
that when your rear end hits the saddle he is supposed to FLY."  and
thus began Yearrrrrsssssss of hard work to undo it.  He still goes
nuts on large group rides, which actually I have given up with him on
that.  He does real well on quiet rides with other quiet horses.  But
I feel like everything that is wrong with him, I caused.  and i am
obligated to fix it or to work around it,  Because he sure wouldnt
deserve for me to just throw him to wolves or anything for something
he doesn't even "get" that he is doing something wrong.
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

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