On Oct 13, 2010, at 1:59 PM, Mark Delany wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 04:09:34PM -0400, MH Michael Hammer (5304) allegedly 
> wrote:
>> Having said that, if an MUA is going to present an indication of
>> "DKIM PASS" to the enduser, then a reasonable person would expect
>> some relationship between what is "passed" and what is presented to
>> the enduser.
> That makes sense. And at least one MUA already renders DKIM verified
> mail differently. I would think such an MUA could take the additional
> step of rendering verified payload differently too.
> I know we're not in the MUA business, but if DKIM makes no difference
> to what an end-user finally sees, then it serves a very limited
> purpose indeed.

I'm looking forward to a draft on MUA considerations for DKIM.  With all these 
opinions on the matter being expressed so adamantly, somebody must have already 
started one...right?

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