On Mon, 2004-03-01 at 15:11, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> 14. Category: News/Announcements  Author: Rajeshwar Dutt
> Subject: Error in Ldap server
> Dear all ;
> I have configured an ldap server ..when I am issuing a command  
> ldappasswd the error is coming 
> ldap_sas...
> 15. Category: News/Announcements  Author: Kaushik Bhandankar
> Subject: Roaming Profiles in Samba
> Hi 
> I have configured Samba to act as a PDC and configured it for roaming profiles and 
> netlogon as well...
> but...


One more suggestion :-). Looks like I am only good at giving suggestions
and nothing else.

For cases like the above wherein the original author is absolutely
totally clueless as to what category he/she should post his/her
query/discussion in we should either ki** the %$^^&&%* (violent
intentions edited) the author or the moderator can *Move* the discussion
to be listed under the relevant topic as is done in various sites. 

I have no idea whether the software being used by us allows the
moderator to do this if not then the moderator should hand out contracts
to hunt down the *&%^*%& original author and ki?? him/her.


Arindam Dey

The mind is not a vessel to be 
filled but a fire to be kindled.

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