On Mon, 2004-03-01 at 21:20, Nishikant Kapoor wrote:
> Arindam Dey wrote:
> > One more suggestion :-). Looks like I am only good at giving suggestions
> > and nothing else.
> Please do not undermine your role. You are the one who has been 
> providing the maximum feedback and/or suggestions and it is greatly 
> appreciated.

*blush* *blush*
/Me turning beet root red

Ok dude now since you are patronizing me so much I will include the
"Chivas" or "JD" in the "name your poison" list. It must also be pretty
evident that I am between projects at the moment so I am just BTFW'ing.

> > I have no idea whether the software being used by us allows the
> > moderator to do this if not then the moderator should hand out contracts
> > to hunt down the *&%^*%& original author and ki?? him/her.
> Yes, the software does provide the option of 'fixing' such posts. When 
> logged in, moderator should see an 'Edit' option next to each entry, 
> which can be used to 'fix' such posts.

Damn it. It does? Are you sure?

I was hoping to be the first one to get one of those contracts. I had
even searched the wonderful www to get ideas on how to torture and
stuff. The Chinese it seems are the best in this field. I got this from
very dubious but incredibly knowledgeable resources on the www. Ah well
another time then will keep sharpening the knives till then :-). 

As long as it seems that you are in a good mood here is another
suggestion. People who are getting tired of my suggestions please tell
that to me politely or keep it to yourself otherwise as you very well
know I *am* sharpening my knives so...

I just got this mail in response to some posting I had made on the site.


There is a new response on your topic, submitted by ILUG-D member.
This email is brought to you by http://www.linux-delhi.org/ , India
Linux Users Group - Delhi


Now the above does not tell me the response is to which topic. In my
case it was immaterial since I had participated in only *two* threads so
it was just a matter of clicking them both. 

How about including a link in the mail which takes you directly to the
post. Something like below. This will be required assuming the excellent
discussion board *becomes* popular and there are a few people who
participate in a number of threads.



Arindam Dey

The mind is not a vessel to be 
filled but a fire to be kindled.

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