> Of course you have every right to discuss any decision on the mailing list,
> and even dispute it for that matter. However, I hope you realise that it is
> difficult to cater to every demand on this list. For example, it took me
> nearly two hours to prepare the minutes that you describe as too terse, and

Sigh. You misunderstand my point. Meeting minutes are generally terse, and 
not more elaborate than what you have been making them. I really appreciate 
your efforts
in this regard since, historically in ILUGD, reporting comprehensive minutes 
of meetings have often been overlooked.

My point is not that we have more elaborate minutes. It is more that sometimes 
when we
would need more information on a particular point of the meeting, it is ok for
us to ask about it on the list. Also, if we would like to discuss a particular 
of the meeting, it is ok for us to discuss it on list.

Note that I am not saying that it is obligatory for anybody present to answer 
these queries.
I am only saying that we are not rebuffed with a canned "you should have been 
at the meeting"

- Sandip

ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

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