> I think Ubuntu can resize and re-partition Windown NTFS partitions,
> but I am not sure about Vista. Ubuntu will ask you during install.

I was recently trying to use Ubuntu to resize an NTFS partition
created by vista, only to find that ubuntu could not resize it. 

Vista, as I mentioned in an earlier post, would resize it only by a
limited extent and not as much as I wanted.

Eventually I convinced the person whose machine I was setting up to
throw out Vista.

Off the topic, at the end of the day, I was unable to install ubuntu
on the machine either. It was a new AMD dual core HP laptop with
broadcom wireless lan and nvidia graphics card. Ubuntu feisty fawn did
not install either with the regular i386 CD or with the alternate
CD. I had an edubuntu 6.06 CD at hand but that would not install

The machine is in Kolkata (I am back in Delhi) waiting for somebody to
install ubuntu/debian. It is running WinXP at the moment, with a
partition kept for linux. Would much appreciate if somebody based in
Kolkata could help. (I know this thread was about something else, and
that this is Delhi LUG. Sorry.)


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