On Tue, 2007-09-11 at 23:31 +0530, Vikas Rawal wrote:
> Eventually I convinced the person whose machine I was setting up to
> throw out Vista.
Does that person is a old Linux user, familiar with Linux, or just you
convinced him for Linux because you love Linux. Have you considered his
works and software need feasibility before transfering him. many people
are there who uses certain software (and to a good skill) on Windows,
but either that alternative or full-featured alternative is not
available for Linux. You must consider those facts.
Also, he paid for the Vista along with his PC.
The philosophy is not to force and convince people for using
Linux/Ubuntu. If a user can afford hefty sum for the Operating System,
he can use that. Linux and FOSS started for free availablity of OS and
software, and share the knowledge. There is really no agenda of forcing
or convincing people by this mean. 

> Off the topic, at the end of the day, I was unable to install ubuntu
> on the machine either.
So Ubuntu got a bad option in his view. Everyone knows Linux has many
miles to go and we are advancing with better pace and successes. But
again, not only the security and viruses are reasons which should be
considered for migration. There are many others, which are more
prominent that these options.
>  It was a new AMD dual core HP laptop with
> broadcom wireless lan and nvidia graphics card. Ubuntu feisty fawn did
> not install either with the regular i386 CD or with the alternate
> CD. I had an edubuntu 6.06 CD at hand but that would not install
> either. 
My friend came with AMD Dual, but Acer. I can successfully boot, but in
commandline, XServer diddnt started. Why? Many devices were unknown to
Ubuntu, e.g AGP, Network Interface(LAN), Wireless, Disk and PCI
Controller Hub and many others. I was not installing Ubuntu, but booted
to see the device Tags, so I can tell him what and where to download
Drivers for Windows XP.

Anyway, my personal experience is, when a person is really interested in
moving to Ubuntu, help him.  Guide a person with the option Ubuntu if he
is in trouble, but also present the downside whatever be that. Be true,
don't rush to convert people to Linux.

Ravi Shanker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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