On Nov 11, 2007 12:29 PM, Vikas Rawal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > meanwhile, i personally stay away from the 'upgrade distro' route, and
> > just do a fresh install on another partition. this way i can jump back
> > and forth between different versions of ubuntu until it's time to let
> > go of *either* one.
> I would never be able to manage that!! Ubuntu comes with a new version every
> six months. Installing the OS afresh every six months, and adding all the
> specific software one uses to the default installation, cannot be a great
> way of doing things. [snip]

er.. sorry i forgot to mention i tend to keep just 2 or 3 versions of
ubuntu on my hardisk.
as i watch and finetune the latest one, the one previous to that sits
comfortably in another partition for my work and don't wanna mess with
that. another partition may also contain ubuntustudio.
this setup has so far worked comfortably and have been able to stay
abreast with the latest versions and development while keeping my work
and cilents happy with no downtime on my distro.


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