On Wed, 14 Nov 2007 14:20:02 +0000 (UTC), pj

> To which Manoj Srivastava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Err. I am not sure why you think so -- no one is going around
>> attacking other people.

> You were certainly dripping with sarcasm though.  Which was returned
> in kind:

        Be careful. Sarcasm, or any other emotion, is hard to detect in
 purely mailed communication.  I certainly would not characterize my
 responses as dripping in sarcasm.

>> >> (does anyone think a
>> >> novice> user had a dream the night before he installed debain, to
>> >> novice> give
>> > "installgui" at the boot prompt)

        That was sarcasm? I thought it was apologia for those who fail
 to do due diligence.

> Ubuntu is more point-and-click, but for someone who likes non-bloat,
> Debian tends to be cleaner at the CLI level. Probably because Ubuntu
> is pretty much a snapshot of unstable Debian with a gui layer on top.

        The point I am trying to make is that Debian tries to offer the
 user choices; Ubuntu "simplifies" things by making many choices for
 you. I hate that. I would much prefer that the install process asks me
 questions, and that I get control over Xorg and snort and squid and
 syslog by editing files, without the OS getting in my way.

> It also means that ubuntu works better with newer stuff much of the
> time, but may not work too solidly. Debian on the other hand works
> less with newer stuff, but if it works, it tends to work pretty
> solidly.

        Ubuntu invariably works worse with new stuff than Debian Sid
 does.  I happen to run Sid, except on my server machines.

> Specifically: I'd say etch is more user friendly on older hardware
> than gutsy.  However ubuntu support structure is pretty damn good,
> catering to tards in a way that debian support channels wouldn't
> consider.

        Well.  I try to help out on #debian, or debian-user; but yes, it
 is supposed to be a _peer_ support system.

 who no longer caters to the sentiment expressed by the sig generator
VMS must die!
Manoj Srivastava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://www.golden-gryphon.com/>  
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