> On Wed, 14 Nov 2007 13:14:32 +0530, Shamail Tayyab
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:  
> > This is what i consider as flame wars.

To which Manoj Srivastava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>         Err. I am not sure why you think so -- no one is going around
>  attacking other people.

You were certainly dripping with sarcasm though.
Which was returned in kind:

> >> (does anyone think a
> >> novice> user had a dream the night before he installed debain, to give
> > "installgui" at the boot prompt)

Ubuntu is more point-and-click, but for someone who likes non-bloat, Debian
tends to be cleaner at the CLI level. Probably because Ubuntu is pretty much
a snapshot of unstable Debian with a gui layer on top.

It also means that ubuntu works better with newer stuff much of the time, but
may not work too solidly. Debian on the other hand works less with newer stuff,
but if it works, it tends to work pretty solidly.

Specifically: I'd say etch is more user friendly on older hardware than gutsy.
However ubuntu support structure is pretty damn good, catering to tards in a
way that debian support channels wouldn't consider. 

Your mileage may vary.


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