On 14/11/2007, Manoj Srivastava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>         I am sorry to not be able to help you out here.  My desire is to
> have a dialogue, not to engage in flame wars, so if it is a flame you
> desire, you have to look elsewhere.  Why _would_ you prefer us to flame
> each other, though, out of curiosity?

I'm happy to have a dialogue with an experienced developer like you. Hope
the discussion continues to be friendly. :)

  [snip] ... I have always thought that the goal of Debian was to be the
> best
> distribution of Linux ever, and sacrificing user friendliness seems to
> be contrary to that goal.
>         Could you please show me where Debian says it strives solely for
> stability and originality, at the expense of other characteristics?
> Perhaps I am missing out on something here.

As you've quoted in one of your posts in the same thread, there's a choice
between "variety of choices" and "simplicity". While Debian would try to
provide a variety of choices, Ubuntu would rather *strip* some functionality
in an attempt to prevent confusion among newbies.

Every distribution tries to be the best, and user friendliness and stability
are common goals. My only point is (not to be misunderstood) is that
Ubuntu strives for user-friendliness as its main goal.

I should express my inability to cite examples. But, If you can understand
the message I'm trying to convey, I'm sure you can give examples too.

> In particular read here http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/56
>         Mark is a fairly new Debian developer, so I would not place a
> great deal of faith in his articulation of what Debian's goals
> are. Indeed, canonical's financial success derives from peoples belief
> that somehow canonical's product line is better than Debian, so ...
>         As he confesses in that article, he does not really have a good
> handle on what the goals of Debian are. I am there fore overjoyed to
> hear that you have an idea on what Debian wants to do.
>         Could you please elaborate, perhaps from the writings of someone
> who knows Debian better, what you think Debian's goals are?  I know a
> lot of people who would be very interested.

I'm not sure if Debian has stated its goals as clearly as Ubuntu has. I
Debian aims for being a versatile distribution for almost any purpose you
would use a computer for. It would be great if you, as a Debian developer,
provide some insight in this matter.

Ubuntu on the other hand, wants to be the best distribution for a home user.

IMHO, Ubuntu is Debian's child, and cannot survive without it. But the goals
and target users can be different, as they are.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.

- Kazim Zaidi
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