On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 2:37 AM, Linux Lingam wrote:
> [snip]
>  start publicly documenting every step, and auditing the time and
>  effort. you could even blog about it in advance.

Primary reason I did not do it in public (other than just seeking
advice) was to not let them blame me for malice and trying to extort
when they would have complied easily.

The dealer knows that I did not agree to the license.  I am reasonable
sure they would attest to that (unless these companies decide to
OOXMLize them.)  Lenovo's own service center knows this since I have
been there already (motherboard replacement).

>  set that first precedent in an indian court of law.
>  oh well, this should work easily.
>  no one is against you for not breaking the law. not even microsoft.
>  they should and most probably will honour your request for a refund.
>  it's no big deal.

To Lenovo's credit (sort of), they did offer to refund the cost of the
whole laptop so I can buy one without Windows.  This was/is
unacceptable since that means (and they agree) getting an inferior

It's not Microsoft who is supposed to refund but the reseller (as I
understand from the license.)  Besides the license asks to contact the
"manufacturer or installer", if you do not agree to the license, "to
determine their return policy for a refund or credit".  And then they
tell you that the policy is to not refund.  How contrivedly

There is something very wrong going on here... it seems all
premeditated (yes, despite Hanlon's razor.)  I naively thought that we
may have to bitch about the actual cost to be refunded and not the
fact that they need to refund (or credit.)

Why on earth does that "refund or credit" statement exist in the
license?  Is it enforcable?

-- Manish

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