On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 9:25 PM, Manish wrote:
> Hello All,
>    Just wanted to share a quick update on my quest to reclaim M$
>  tax.
>    I have been following up with Lenovo customer care for past
>  few days (email and phone) and today I got a call from some
>  executive from Lenovo Singapore.  He wanted to ask why I
>  disagreed with the license and told that this is unusual and
>  there is no process/policy as of now.  I told him that I felt
>  more powerful, creative and in-control on my preferred OS and
>  that I would have appreciated Lenovo much more if they gave
>  customer wider choice including buying the machine with no OS.
>  He assured me that he would follow it up and keep me posted.

I think we are coming to a point where I need legal advice.

Is the practice of "tying" or "bundling" illegal under Indian laws?  Do
we have any lawyers on the list?  Should this be taken up in consumer
court or elsewhere?  Suggestions please.

-- Manish

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