(I am following up to this message, but including responses to another
 of your messages. This has already become rather a mountain out of a
molehill as far as I am concerned.)

On Tue, 17 Jun 2008 10:01:38 +0530
"Angad Singh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 9:51 AM, Raj Mathur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hmm, not sure I agree with that.  I see the issues at hand as being (a)
> > gratuitously pushing a product/service/group that has no relevance in
> > the current context and

> a) In http://www.mail-archive.com/ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org/msg21486.html,
> there was a recommendation made by Mr. Gora for other linux distros, without
> giving any reason to back his views, and so did I for opensolaris. What is
> not in context here?
> b) In http://www.mail-archive.com/ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org/msg21510.html,
> there was a show of concern for creating awareness for opensource and so I
> mentioned about our program and what it does to fulfill that purpose!

How are either of these equivalent to the message I was complaining about,
That sounds like a marketing blurb, adds little of value to people on
this list, is a complete non-sequitur to the thread that it follows up
on, and is blatant astroturfing, at least by my reading of it. Microsoft
has been roundly condemned for such behaviour by its campus ambassadors,
and I do not see why other companies should get a free pass.

I spent some time composing my original message, making sure to (i) cast
it as a request, and based on personal opinion, rather than as a formal
declaration on behalf of ILUG-D, and (ii) not impute any motive to you,
other than pointing out an obvious conflict of interest. It is quite
possible to promote a product that one has a vested interest in, but
such promotion should be based on technical merit, and lack of disclosure
of potential conflicts of interest is seriously unethical.

If you honestly do not see the difference between your message, and either
of your (a), and (b) examples above, I guess that we will just have to agree
to disagree. For the record, (a) was a one-line jocular follow-up, is by no
means representative of my participation on this list, hardly constitutes a
promotion of any specific Linux distribution, and in any case I do not derive
any financial benefit from promoting any Linux distribution.  (b) This is
slightly more ambiguous, but not by a lot. The forwarded message does not
specifically promote a proprietary product, but is cast as an open source
(Linux) success story, and, if you will notice, the author starts out by
declaring that he works for HCL (full disclosure).

And, please drop your us against them attitude. For example, other people
have called out Ubuntu folk when they marginally crossed the line on the
list, so this is not about you per se, but about what is acceptable on the

> (b) not clearly specifying that you get paid
> > for peddling that item, whatever it is.  And if the latest
> > (proprietary)
> Proprietary???
> I don't know why and how people are so uninformed here!

I don't know why you are seemingly purposefully ignoring the essence
of the point, namely, *your* failure to disclose a potential conflict
of interest.

Look, Angad, I am all in favour of people like you making a bigger
contribution to this list, ILUG-D, and Freed.in. Yes, in spite of
the name, we are primarily about FOSS, and not about Linux. I am
also quite prepared to believe that we do not do a good enough job
of welcoming new entrants. However, there are certain things that
I for one will not compromise on, and as far as this thread goes, I
absolutely do not see it as an example of unfriendliness from the
side of ILUG-D.

Please feel free to disregard the remainder of this message, as this
thread is already turning into the equivalent of "But, daddy! He
started it first!" I am certainly unlikely to follow up further on
this part of the conversation.

Coming back to JIIT as the venue for Freed.in 2008, I hope that you
do not dispute the following facts (a) that the ILUG-D meeting at
JIIT (which for us was a test case) was quite disappointing in terms
of attendance. There were 2 students from JIIT, out of your claim of
a 100+ strength of the JIIT LUG. And, this after the meeting was
rescheduled at your request. (b) After that, besides email, you were
contacted at least a couple of times on the phone personally by me.
Those requests included asking for JIIT faculty to contact us, and/or
asking for contact information so that we could get hold of them.
Neither of these materialised. (c) However valid the reasons might be,
I think that balancing commitments that you have made is your problem.
Even if you were pre-occupied with exams at that time, we had exactly
zero follow-ups from you after the exams.

You can choose to believe me, or not, but besides maybe Andrew, I
was the biggest proponent of a satellite conference at JIIT. 
However, once it was mid-Nov. 2007, and we had to plan an event
with international speakers for Feb. 2008, we had no choice but to
cut our losses vis-a-vis JIIT.

In spite of the above, you seem to have the unmitigated gall to claim
that somehow *we* fell down on the job by not involving you? Let me
contrast your attitude of entitlement to that of the students at RKGIT,
Ghaziabad, who ran a real local LUG of their own, took the trouble to
travel to ILUG-D meetings in Delhi, withstood much harsher criticism
at times, and as a consequence have been an integral part of ILUG-D,
and the Freed.in team since at least 2007. Sadly, none of them are
campus ambassadors of any kind. Maybe, there is a lesson in that.


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