2008/6/23 Kenneth Gonsalves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On 23-Jun-08, at 2:31 AM, Sandip Bhattacharya wrote:
>> Let me repeat - on the way there != already there.
> actually the main point of the discussion has been whether advocacy
> of opensolaris is to be permitted on this list. Obviously advocacy of
> anything proprietary is a no no. So what is the stand on advocacy of
> something that is in the process of being opensourced?

This topic has made the list alive all of a sudden and credit goes to
Angad for putting across counter points.
To my mind no restriction as long as the fact that it is about to get
there is kept in awareness.

Sudev Barar
Read http://blog.sudev.in for topics ranging from here to there.

PS: I know most of people do not follow email niceties (mostly they
are not aware) but if you follow bottom post/in-line post style of
email conversations it becomes a whole lot easier to carry on
meaningful dialogue and you can snip out what is not meaningful too.
Most people just hit reply button and top post leaving prior message
appended uselessly at bottom. See if you can adopt this style and
persuade others.

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