On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 2:31 AM, Sandip Bhattacharya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> These are the facts as of now according to the official sources of
> Opensolaris.
> a) CDDL is an OSI approved licensed.
> b) The majority of OpenSolaris code is released under CDDL 
> (http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing/)
> c) At present, the OpenSolaris source base is not enough to bootstrap an
>   entire system (http://www.opensolaris.org/os/about/faq/general_faq/#whatis)
> d) A part of the OS is still distributed under a binary licence - code,
>    not firmware blobs.
> At present, Opensolaris is a+b+c which none of the Linux distros are.
> http://www.opensolaris.org/os/about/no_source/ mentions the following
> which are currently not available as source (some which are not even
> planned to be made available as source):
> * Xsun server
> * TrueType font engine for Xorg server
> * Man pages
> I leaving out some which are evidently not owned by Sun.
> Some of us believe that a+b+c is not enough to call the distro as a FOSS
> distro (it is on the way there, but not yet there). Also, please stop
> making the case that CDDL being OSI compliant makes the whole distro OSI
> compliant - even the OSI team would have serious reservations if such
> misrepresentations are made.
> Please do not make incorrect comparisons with Linux distros, where
> non-essential packages are binary only and not installed in most
> distros by default.

So let me get this straight:

(1) With Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora etc. I can install and run a 100% FOSS
system without needing any non-free binaries.
(2) For hardware etc that *requires* non-free binaries / blobs, I have
the option of *not using* that hardware, while still using the rest of
the 100% FOSS system.
(3) With OpenSolaris (at the moment at least) I need to agree to use a
non-free binary just to install the system.

Right? If so, I am happy using U, D, F, et al. without the non-free
parts, and ignoring OpenSolaris for the time being.


Vipul Mathur
vipul [at] linux-delhi.org

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