+++ Kenneth Gonsalves [23/06/08 15:38 +0530]:
>I think advocacy of a product in the process of being open sourced is  
>ok. In fact should be done as more people trying out and using the  
>product because it is being open sourced would
>a) encourage them to open source faster
>b) bring to light bugs, feature requests which will help them to  
>taste the benefits of open sourcing
>c) bring the authors into the community.
>I would consider advocating such projects as the equivalent of alpha/ 
>beta testing. It is our duty to help them move. After all, very often  
>we switch a person from doze to dual-boot as a first step. Thiink of  
>it like that.

I am still ok with this as long as the correct state of the project is
conveyed to the group. Misleading statements are dangerous in a list
like this where new people are just opening up their minds to the FOSS
concept. Misleading can be intentional or (as it seems in the recent
case) due to lack of complete understanding of the concepts involved.

We have progressed a lot in the last ten years. In that time we have
gone through a lot of discussions of what is the right thing to do and
what is not. Now that we have come so far, and today users can actually see a
100% FOSS distro which is completely usable for day to day work, we
should strive to be more ideologically pure. It is no longer just words.

- Sandip

Sandip Bhattacharya

ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

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