I thought Abhishek was on iLUG-D isn't he ?

narendra sisodiya wrote:

> By seeing the flash intro on their web site, I have imagined the complexity
> in coding in Hindi atleast for me. I do not want to code in Hindi , so why
> should i download.
> If you read my mail, I just want to ask, will the coding in Hindi will make
> any sense. How any hindawi coder and software we have ? is their anything
> which cannot achieve from the normal coding and hindwai platform coding ??

It isn't 'coding' in Hindi that's the aspect here. It is learning to
'program'. And, perhaps, teaching programming using Logo in a language
they are familiar with might just be a better option. Teaching
programming isn't really a deep dive in C (or, any other language). It
could be as basic as showing how to move the mouse cursor 10 paces to
the left or, create a game to teach stuff (check out some of the
activities available via OLPC)


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