
On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 2:20 PM, narendra sisodiya
> coding.
> I wrote in my past mail -- "If something needed for indian , then it is the
> content and tutorial" Better to Go for making "Hinglish Contents" rather
> then "Hindi Software or Hindi Software Language Port"

           Hmm? Hindi software? do you mean, software that has been
localised to Hindi or some other language? If so, what is the problem
with that? Localisation is a good thing, last time I checked.

> One Hindi-wala can contribute in Hindi software, and one "Telgu wala" can
> contribute in Telgu software.. English gives us common platfrom.

            But what about the guy in the village deep in -say - West
Bengal - who wants to use a kiosk which tells him the current rate of
whole sale rice or such. He probably doesn't know English but knows to
read Bengali. So he has to learn English so that he gets opportunity
to use a service. He obviously has no time to learn English now. He
wants to work on his farm instead so that he make a living.


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