Sandip Bhattacharya wrote:
> As far as being a good FOSS citizen, I have always believed that helping 
> fixing bugs upstream is better than having distro specific patches. I 
> must admit, I cannot say how well Ubuntu does in this regard, however I 
> have seen many launchpad bugs referencing the fact that a bug has been 
> filed upstream. Unless I see proper data (and not merely 
> opinions/hunches misrepresented as facts) as to whether the Ubuntu's 
> community has not helped in fixing these bugs (and not merely reporting 
> them - which isn't bad per se),
(Sorry for repeating this in another LUG mailing list, but just to keep 
the facts right)

What Launchpad does has is a feature to mark bugs with related bugs 
filed in the upstream bugzilla and a feature to find bugs which needs 
reporting in the upstream bugzilla. Though this provides the ability for 
Ubuntu devels and package maintainers to keep track of upstream 
development, as far as my experience with Bugs and Launchpad are 
considered, this doesn't ensure that when a bug is fixed in LP/Ubuntu, 
the upstream also gets the patch for the same. It requires either the 
patch submitter, or the triager, or the maintainer, or the devel to go 
to upstream bugzilla and file the same patch for the bug there. If the 
maintainer is same in both Upstream and Ubuntu, which is not very common 
one, then he/she takes care of patching at both places. Else, it is the 
responsibility of one of the above mentioned list of people to do the 
job of filing patches upstream and following it up.

Considering the number of bugs being referred upstream and the number of 
bugs that require upstream reporting and followup, the current 
availability of people to work on such cases is very less. Hence, there 
is a huge possibility of Ubuntu patches getting missed from moving to 
upstream. But I somewhere smell that the process of reporting downstream 
patches to upstream is also on the cards in the next list of development 
for LP. But as LP by itself is a question of debate, unfortunately, I 
will not put my hands into it now ;)

With Regards,

Parthan "technofreak"
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