On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 8:21 PM, Manoj Srivastava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>        It is said that all the users are testing the software.  What is
>  the point of having testers when the benefit is not passed on upstream
>  to benefit everyone? That is the critical point in Greg's talk. Ubuntu
>  efforts benefit Ubuntu. They are not close source, but unlike the rest
>  of the free software world, they make no effort to feed any changes
>  back upstream.

GPL doens`t says that when you use some code , Go spoonfeed the
changes back to developers, The code is open all there , And the point
made by canonical not to make it upstream for each project is valid
and practical. No way some company go behind 1000`s bugzilla to track
what`s happening

Thanks and Regards
Gaurav Mishra

Linux User #348873
"When i can run , i will run , When i can walk , i will walk, When i can
crawl , i will crawl. But i will not stop moving forward"

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