I seriously agree with Prakhar. Infact he was able to explain and writing up
the points which i was failed to explain.

On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 2:34 PM, Prakhar Agarwal

> Hi guys,
> I'm final year CS/IT engineering student from Jaypee Noida. Please find my
> opinions in-line.
> > On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 12:11 PM, narendra sisodiya
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > ### When you talk about users.. Always keep in mind.. they want comfort
> > and
> > > not knowledge . Most of students are users too.
> >
> > So can you be specific about users "discomforts". Then only we can
> > make some thing that addresses that "discomforts"
> >
> > > ### Workshops for teacher/college prof will be very useful.
> >
> > Nice suggestion. That could be one of the target audiance.
> >
> (1) All(number is huge!) the teachers/profs are not same. For them
> "computer
> = Windows". period.
> (2) A student telling teachers what to do and what not to do??  Heard the
> word "EGO"?
> Its the *single-most* issue that precludes the faculty as well as their
> students from learning anything new. One may say, that industry
> professionals can come and conduct such workshops. But who will convince
> the
> management to organize it?? - Student. The chances are very bleak that they
> will agree to it.
> (3) A whole lot of curriculum is Windows dependent. What do we expect? Stop
> teaching the courses just for the sake of avoiding non-FOSS stuff? I think
> right exposure and modification is the way to go, but it is easier said
> than
> done. Most of the colleges are business units which don't really care about
> "what", "who" and "how" of teaching practices. Its all about "jack"(jugaad)
> and Placements!!
> > > ### There is a bootable Live Linux Gamer DVD, distributing them will
> make
> > > some more awareness.
> > >
> >
> For God's sake, get better games first!! There is absolutely no comparison
> when it comes to gaming. FOSS is nowhere near in this department.
> >
> > > 2) Slow Internet.
> > > ## Its almost impossible to use/update/configure Linux without
> Internet.
> > > This is a major hurdle in foss adaptation.
> >
> > Have you used the Other OS with Automatic Update ON? That will suck
> > out the life of best of your internet connection. :) Today most
> > softwares and updates are distributed on-line. Any form of removable
> > media is only used for initial installation of OS and some softwares.
> >
> Both points valid. But, dependence of Linux on Internet is way past
> imagination for a Windows user.
> >
> > > ## Putting rpm into bundle (one of the previous mail to make 'bad
> Linux"
> > for
> > > users who do not have Internet) can solve this problems
> >
> > That was discuss on least and majority of Gurus suggested that it does
> > not look very feasible. However, how about you starting some project
> > around that? Start small line you want to distribute development tools
> > on CD. Constructing such CD should not be way too difficult if you
> > know how major packaging systems work.
> >
> > > 3) Students
> > > ### Only so called Techie students from CS use Linux. Student life is
> > very
> > > fast. They are need to do many task in time bound competing
> environment.
> > > Extra effort to learn Linux and then use linux is major hurdle for
> Linux
> > and
> > > foss adaptation. a small fraction of students use Linux.
> >
> Seriously?? Should watching movies every alternate day in nearby mall also
> be included in this time bound competing environment of techie student? Its
> all about Grades, Grades and Grades!! If you don't have it you are not a
> good engineer/student. That's it, finished.

same senerio inside "the most prestigious institute" too,

> Use the best of your rote memory power, get good grades and then you are
> "eligible" to enjoy and have fun. FOSS students generally don't end up with
> good grades because they invest their recreational time out of this time

very true.... that is why i do not put up my grades .. ;)

> bound schedule to explore FOSS. And not to forget the constant bullism they
> face for "busy doing" some stuff everytime and still not getting grades.

> Their predilection towards FOSS eats up their study time also but they
> don't
> complain as they enjoy what they do, they have freedom(speech), no cramming
> to do, pure knowledge flows from IRC to MLs to chats. The very essence of
> FOSS, IMHO, is _the_ way to learn to which humans adapt naturally "if" they
> are exposed.
> >
> > You use GNU/Linux / FOSS when you don;t have time :) It simply doubles
> > or triples your productivity in any area. :)
> >
> > > ### companies which are working in foss domain, should call for project
> > > guidance for BE projects. By This way, students will start contributing
> > in
> > > foss projects.
> >
> > Good suggestion. On the other hand, how about colleges sponsoring FOSS
> > Projects?
> >
> Don't expect much from colleges untill they see a potential gain for
> themselves. Many college are industry oriented. Just imagine the day when
> Infosys/TCS/Satyam et al. mention a pre-requisite in job postings: "FOSS is
> the eligibility criteria". I can only imagine this. FOSS can enter colleges
> in true sense when Industry starts looking up to it in the way it should be
> done.
> >
> > > ### There should be separate courses for FOSS in syllabus itself
> >
> > :)
> >
> Narendra, what do you want for this?? I'll give you a Hi-Five!! :)
What is Hi-Five ??

> The idea is rocking, but again, it has been in our minds since long and
> frankly, it has received some bad thrashing. So, one has to go out of the
> way to accomplish something and prove that its worthy enough to be included
> in the syllabus.
> You can refer following links to have a look of what we have dealt with in
> recent past.
> [1]
> http://groups.google.co.in/group/JIITUstudentforum/browse_thread/thread/f0f9ad1c92225156
> [2]
> http://groups.google.co.in/group/JIITUstudentforum/browse_thread/thread/fce2e5e6b0217986#
> In connection to going out of way to do things, my second endeavor:
> http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dgkft666_1dn428xcc
> I sincerely need help of everyone to pull off this event with an impact.
> All the above thoughts/opnions/rants are from my personal experience and it
> doesn't potray any institution/living human being. It only implies!! ;-)
> Thanks for bringing up this discussion. I really appreciate.
> Cheers!
> --
> Prakhar Agarwal
> Fedora Ambassador-Delhi, India
> Linux User# 474643
> GPG key: 8BC6532F
> "Life is the greatest teacher"
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