
--- On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 2:34 PM, Prakhar Agarwal
| Its the *single-most* issue that precludes the faculty as well as their
| students from learning anything new.

That is again a common assumption that students make in this country.
You need to take the faculty and management out of the equation. You
really didn't have to get their permission to write to this mailing
list, did you? :)

In an ideal world, it will be nice if they learnt and taught FOSS,
but, it isn't, yet.

| Seriously?? Should watching movies every alternate day in nearby mall also
| be included in this time bound competing environment of techie student? Its
| all about Grades, Grades and Grades!! If you don't have it you are not a
| good engineer/student. That's it, finished.

That is the mindset of students and parents. If you don't want to
believe, you needn't :) But, then if you did it because they forced
it, then you really wouldn't enjoy doing it for a long time.

| Their predilection towards FOSS eats up their study time also but they don't
| complain as they enjoy what they do, they have freedom(speech), no cramming
| to do, pure knowledge flows from IRC to MLs to chats. The very essence of
| FOSS, IMHO, is _the_ way to learn to which humans adapt naturally "if" they
| are exposed.

And hence the FOSS guys who know their stuff will always have their
jobs, no matter, what the status of the economy is in :)

| FOSS can enter colleges
| in true sense when Industry starts looking up to it in the way it should be
| done.

They all do. Just that they don't term it as FOSS because they don't know it is.

| So, one has to go out of the
| way to accomplish something and prove that its worthy enough to be included
| in the syllabus.

One cannot also force FOSS onto anyone. People will end up doing it
because it is in the syllabus, and not that they enjoy the power of
bash, or the freedom of source code, or the community that evolves
around it.

FOSS doesn't come to you, you go to it.



Shakthi Kannan

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