On Tuesday 09 December 2008 09:14:04 Sankarshan (সঙ্কর্ষণ) wrote:
> Swapnil Bhartiya wrote:
> > Gateway IP is not being masked by subnet mask, it remains the one I
> > entered. But the subnet gets replaced by the default gateway IP. I almost
> > reached to the point of start using F10 insted of Ubuntu, but thanks to
> > the Fedora Team, I am back to Ubuntu for their bugs.
> Thanks to you we also know that LFY folks don't subscribe to the idea of
> filing bug reports. Lead on.

That's exactly why Mandriva rules! :-P

Anyway, didn't face the same problem when using DHCP. But seems like, apart 
from Swapnil, even Asheesh Varshneya is facing the problem. 

Will try to replicate the problem using static IP, after disabling 

Sankarshan, the problem with Bugzilla is that it's been designed with a 
developer or a general geek in mind. Even Cory Doctorow, featured on RHM 
[http://www.redhat.com/magazine/020jun06/features/video_doctorow/], in an LJ 
interview published in November issue says Bugzilla is too difficult for a 
general user to use. Can't things be made easier? GNU/Linux used by everyday 
users also nowadays.

Like Amarok has a nice system, and maybe other projects can try to replicate 
the model. Whenever Amarok crashes, it brings up KMail with the dump and the 
address and the subject line filled in the compose window. All I need to do is 
click send. Things should be make as simple as that. I know it can't be made 
as interactive as that with all software. That's why I head to the IRC 
instead, and if other's also confirm that's a bug I file a report.

Problems I encountered with Fedora 10 KDE4 Live CD: X wouldn't start. Knew 
that the problem was it was using the nv drivers which has problems with my 
stupid display card anyway, so I needed to set it to vesa.  You know xorg.conf 
is not available by default, so no hand editing option was left -- and am not 
an expert to build a xorg.conf from scratch. And the problem this time was 
system-config-display was not available in the system also. Rebooted, logged 
into #fedora. Someone suggested to install system-config-display, if passing 
kernel parameters to use vesa fails.

Which failed. So installed system-config-display. Configured X. Installed 
Fedora. Rebooted. Again X failed to start. What was a surprise was although I 
had installed system-config-display, it only copied the default system from 
the CD, and lost the additional software I installed, including the xorg.conf 
file. Now, PCLinuxOS from way back in 2005 was able to keep the settings we 
set in the Live mode even before installation. So, comparing with another 
distro, this was a bug. But the feature may not be even available in Fedora. 
Who knows? Or should I file a bug report on non availability of system-config-

So, just because someone hasn't filled a bug doesn't mean, he is too lazy to 
do it. It's often that he gets too confused while filing it. I know how 
Swapnil utilises his time at least -- goes and installs GNU/Linux on people's 
computer, who are otherwise not even familiar with the term "operating 
system". Configures the system as per the person's requirements. Teaches him 
how to use the system. And tells him how to keep his system updated. Just 
because he doesn't know how to file a bug report doesn't make him a bad 
community member, does it?


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