Swapnil Bhartiya wrote:

> With all due respect, Sankarshan, now where does LFY come into picture? Did
> I post the issue as LFY member? I don't know who you work for and it doesn't
> matter to me at all.

Nope the mistake is mine and I did just point it out in a response to
Atanu separately.

> And since I use Ubuntu I am registered member or Launchpad and have filed a
> few bug reports there -- but I am _not_ a techie. Also, I post here as
> Swapnil, who is a writer and a passionate GNU/Linux _user_.  I will not
> appreciate anything pointing at my connections with LFY. Period.

You do write technical content and knowing how software development in a
FOSS scenario works is kind of expected. A writer and a passionate
GNU/Linux user would be aware of how to ensure that his/her problems are
logged into appropriate defect tracking systems *and* end up helping
others - wouldn't you agree that it is the basis on which FOSS develops ?

It is good to know that you do file bugs on LP. But, filing bugs does
not require one a techie (whatever that may mean). So, if you are
interested in strawman arguments feel free. I would not agree to the
concept pushed across by Atanu and you that bug filing systems are not
meant for users. They could do with enhancements and simplifications,
but for that too you need to file requests. Not just throw up hands and
say 'I am not technical'.


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