Atanu Datta wrote:

> Sankarshan, the problem with Bugzilla is that it's been designed with a 
> developer or a general geek in mind. Even Cory Doctorow, featured on RHM 
> [], in an LJ 
> interview published in November issue says Bugzilla is too difficult for a 
> general user to use. Can't things be made easier? GNU/Linux used by everyday 
> users also nowadays.

Is that a feedback after the recent refresh of the ?
I'd have thought that was
simplified to a large extent enabling easy filing of bugs.

Bugzilla is an upstream project and RFEs go at (guess what ? :))

> Like Amarok has a nice system, and maybe other projects can try to replicate 
> the model. Whenever Amarok crashes, it brings up KMail with the dump and the 
> address and the subject line filled in the compose window. All I need to do 
> is 
> click send. 

GNOME has a similar BugBuddy. Sending of crashes by mail is a somewhat
different UseCase than what Swapnil just put out.

> Problems I encountered with Fedora 10 KDE4 Live CD: X wouldn't start. Knew 
> that the problem was it was using the nv drivers which has problems with my 
> stupid display card anyway, so I needed to set it to vesa.  

Again, you do realize that if you don't want to file a bug there are a
bunch of fedora-* lists that you can post this too ?

> Who knows? Or should I file a bug report on non availability of system-config-
> display?

If you did file a bug, someone from the bug triaging team would have
taken some time to re-assign components if it were not properly filed.
We could do with some bug triage love (and that's probably true for a
lot of projects), but bugs do get triaged and assigned.

> So, just because someone hasn't filled a bug doesn't mean, he is too lazy to 
> do it. It's often that he gets too confused while filing it. I know how 
> Swapnil utilises his time at least -- goes and installs GNU/Linux on people's 
> computer, who are otherwise not even familiar with the term "operating 
> system". Configures the system as per the person's requirements. Teaches him 
> how to use the system. And tells him how to keep his system updated. Just 
> because he doesn't know how to file a bug report doesn't make him a bad 
> community member, does it?

You know what ? Swapnil isn't your typical Linux desktop user (and by
that yardstick neither are you). So, in spite of the fine tasks that he
does by installing Linux desktops for folks, he does belong to the group
that is involved with LFY. So, if someone from a magazine that pushes
out a reasonable mix of technical and non-technical Linux content
doesn't demonstrate the right way to do things on a mailing list - I
call that a FAIL. Not a massive FAIL, but a FAIL.

If he doesn't know how to file a bug or, does not want to that really
isn't a big deal. I tend to meet a lot of folks who don't want to.

It is just that. I wasn't really keen to question his competence or what
he does with his time. Just that given the amount of time he has been
posting/writing I tend to take it for granted that isn't new for him.

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