
On Sat, Aug 11, 2012 at 8:31 PM, Arun Khan <knu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sat, Aug 11, 2012 at 11:36 AM, Raakesh kumar <kumar3...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> That's great but in your place I would have saved a snapshot of the
> system for analysis.   I tend to do this when I cannot resolve a
> problem and in the interest of time I need to move on.
> In all the dialog I have not yet seen your answer as to what exactly
> you did to get in this hole (except for the mention of sudo nautilus
> in your OP).
Yes.. I should have saved something for future analysis.
Actually i ran the command sudo nautilus and then i went to /etc directory
and changed ownership from root to rakesh and then changed the permission
of the directory and it's sub directories also  as " read and write"...
Then when i faced the problem in running my apache server and database
servers, i tried to undo all those thing by again typing sudo nautilus, but
it was too late then. Then i rebooted my system and tried to go in rescue
mode but rescue mode was also not working.(Perhaps because i had changed
the ownership also). Then i posted my query here and after looking at the
types of comment i got, i formatted my system after taking all the data

> On your system, OK not a crime.  On a client's system it would be
> negligence at best (depends in the client's mood).  I I (as a client)
> would mighty upset if the system had custom configurations and you
> were unable to restore them back. (hint backup, backup, backup)
I got your point. Thank you for highlighting this scenario.

> You have already learnt a lesson the hard way.   In *ubuntu, when you
> have to make a lot of changes the "sudo <xyz>" can be annoying [1] but
> you can do 'sudo su -  '  which will give you the root access - do
> your stuff and remember to exit out of the root shell when you are
> done.
Ok... :)

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