At 11:36 PM -0500 12/3/2009, Melvyn & Edith Halbert wrote:
>Thanks for your response and your report that Tiger works properly
>with Classic on your computer.  I wish I knew how to make Classic on
>my iMac G5 work under Tiger as well as your G4 does.

If you want to explore that, start a new thread, on topic.

>Since writing my first message to this group, I tried the "Change
>All" command; I only succeeded in making all of my text files created
>by BBEdit Lite appear now as TextEdit files.  Several years ago I
>found that I could restore the Creator Application as the Opening
>Application by replacing the preference file
> with an older version of the same
>file.  That remedy worked again today.

Did you bother to do the things I suggested in my reply?

   Rebuild your classic desktop in OS 9.
   Then rebuild your launch services database in OS X.

You should also install RCDefault.  It's a free system preferences 
pane that give you better control over launch services.


- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth.

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