At 11:44 PM -0500 11/29/2009, Melvyn & Edith Halbert wrote:
>When I followed what you wrote, there were no messages added to 
>either the Console log or the System log.

Then the camera is not being seen by the hardware.

Have you tried a different USB port?

>Console offers a slew of other log files.  I looked at a few, but
>couldn't make sense of them and don't have a clue as to which, if
>any, might deal with import from a camera.

None except system and console log are apropos.

>  >Given the number of security vulnerabilities that have been fixed
>>over the years, 10.4.6 -> 10.4.11, plus those in the layered products
>>(QuickTime, Safari, etc), plus the various security updates...
>>"trouble-free" is a sad excuse. This is the equivalent of driving
>>down a highway at 80mph with no seatbelt, high on scooby snacks, and
>>justifying it because you haven't crashed yet.
>I don't understand your point here.  Are you saying that I may have
>picked up some malware that has caused this problem of not
>recognizing the camera?  I am aware that a number of theoretical
>vulnerabilities have been discovered and fixed by Apple since 10.4.6,
>but not that any exploits of these vulnerablities have actually been
>found in the wild.

I'm saying that you're unnecessarily leaving yourself vulnerable. 
Case in point: the malformed dmg problem.  Not a virus or intentional 
malware usually (other than some idiots forwarding the bad dmg files 
to their friends for the heck of it).  Just malformed dmg files that 
will panic an unpatched Mac when you try to open them.

You're also avoiding all the other bug fixes and features that the 
developers put their efforts into providing.  eg:  Improved jpg color 
table handling and faster decode algorithms in the newer vers of 

>Also, my impression is that if such exploits exist, they would 
>require that the user cooperate by opening and installing some 
>disguised malware.

That's true of trojans but not other types of malware.

>and have installed all of Apple's Security Updates for Tiger on a PPC.

If you're running that old a rev of OS X then you have not installed 
all the security updates.

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth.

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