Melvyn & Edith Halbert wrote:
> Bill Chapman <> Nov 28 11:29AM -0500 wrote:
>> I have no idea about your problem, but just out of curiosity, why 
>> are you running >(Tiger) 10.4.6 and not Tiger >10.4.11? Just 
>> wondering...
> Reply to Bill Chapman:
> I use several programs under Classic which have no equivalent under 
> OS X.  Mac OS X 10.4.7 (and all later versions of Tiger) won't 
> automatically open files created under Classic in the application 
> that created them.  Instead it opens them with some other 
> application, not of my choice.
> Worse yet, when OS X 10.4.7 (or later) is installed, without asking 
> the user's permission it changes the Creator of _all_ such files (of 
> which I have tens of thousands).  The original Creator code can be 
> restored for one file at a time with the Finder's Get Info... 
> command, but the Change All... option is broken in 10.4.7 and later; 
> it isn't feasible to restore the Creator manually for tens of 
> thousands of files.
> I have found from experience that the latest version of Mac OS X that 
> does not behave this way is OS X 10.4.6, so this is the version I 
> continue to use.
> My Mac at work is required by our IT department to run the last 
> version of Tiger, so I know first hand how inconvenient it would be 
> for me to run 10.4.11 on my iMac G5 at home.

Me thinks you have a problem specific to your setup.  I have Tiger 
10.4.11 running on a G4 QuickSilver.  It has Classic installed and I 
have a number of old programs on it and I have no problems with it 
opening with the correct application.  In fact I have some real old apps 
that I haven't used in years, I hadn't used them since I was using a 
system running OS 9.  For some of the documents I didn't realize I still 
had the app installed until I double clicked on the doc and it launched 
the app under Classic.

And I have also used the "Change All" quite successfully.

Clark Martin
Redwood City, CA, USA
Macintosh / Internet Consulting

"I'm a designated driver on the Information Super Highway"

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