IMac g5s are pure bliss to work on.

My grandparents gave me a broken imac g5 17" and for about $100 I replaced the 
power supply. It was about half an hour of labor tops (but I also installed a 
hard drive, and re opened it because I had forgotten to plug in the power 
supply *facepalm*)

Emacs... I still have nightmares about installing that hard drive. It ended up 
costing me a $200 computer when something shorted out on the system board. 
Sparks everywhere etc.

Imac g3? They're okay... Not as good as the g5 but I removed a hard drive in 
about half an hour. Its okay once you get to know the layout. 

If you enjoy doing it, then it'd be worth it. I'd love to but school and all 
that hat, right?

Schools. Elementary schools might be the kind to buy a few 17" imac g5s, emacs, 
or even imac g3s for the classrooms.

As for profit? Again, imac g5 would be best. Broken ones typically go for 
around 1-2 hundred, so you can usually make 25-50% profit.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----
From: Austin Leeds <>
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 2010 14:41:12 
To: iMac Group<>
Subject: iMac refurb as an independent business opportunity?

  I'm thinking about buying some broken iMacs (any model but G3) off
eBay for refurbishment. Has anybody here been in their iMac and tried
to repair it, and how easy was it? Would it be worth it?

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