Title: Re: i am locked out
At 9:27 AM -0600 10/6/2010, Walter Sheluk wrote:
On 10-10-06 9:10 AM, Dan wrote:
These are HFS+ formatted volumes, or ?

While logged into your administrator account, do a get info on the volumes.  Open the Ownership & Permissions section then the Details area.  Click on the padlock to unlock the settings.  Then make sure you're the owner and that you have Read+Write permissions.  (Group and Others' settings won't matter unless you're using a different account from which to access the volumes.)
If that doesn't fix things, then show us the output of this command, issued in Terminal:
ls -al /Volumes/

The firewired hard drive has the GUID partition.

Not what I asked.  The format of the partition map on the hard drive is moot - if it was foo you wouldn't be seeing any of those volumes mounted.  I need to know what type of file system is on the drive's volumes.  Are they HFS+, NTFS, FAT, or ?    ....It doesn't matter that your cereal is in a box or a bag, I need to know if it's made of wheat or oats!

Aside: You can view your full partition map from Terminal with the command "diskutil list"

I have never used "Terminal"  because the name in itself strikes fear in me because as you can see i can do damage to hard drives on my own: just exactly what do i do to use Terminal,  please?

Terminal is nothing to be afraid of.  It is simply an application that gives you access to the command line interface (CLI).  The shell is a text-only interface that can be far more versatile than the pretty GUI you're used to.  The name "Terminal" comes from the use of dumb terminals (CRTs, teletypes, etc), back in the old days.

Select and Copy (cmd-C) the command line I gave you, just like you would any other text.
Launch Terminal.app (it's in /Applications/Utilities).
Paste the command line into Terminal (cmd-V).
Copy the results and paste them into your reply here.

Here is the command again, plus the diskutil one.  Just copy them both together, as-is.  ("as-is" is important as most commands in the shell are case sensitive.  By copying and pasting the commands, instead of trying to type them yourself, you eliminate the possibility of typos, 1 vs l, o vs 0, a vs A, etc.)

diskutil list
ls -al /Volumes

Here's what it looks like on my system:
dan$ ls -al /Volumes/
total 8
drwxrwxrwt    5 root  admin   170 Oct  6 10:02 .
drwxrwxr-t   35 root  admin  1292 Oct  5 20:40 ..
lrwxr-xr-x    1 root  admin     1 Oct  1 14:14 MacHD -> /
drwxrwxr-T   27 root  admin  1020 Jul 31 10:38 Stuff
drwx------   21 dan   dan     816 Oct  6 10:10 focus
dans-smurftower:~ dan$
There are some great tutorials here
that will teach you how to do all sorts of useful things from the shell.

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth.

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