Yes it sure will be. Strange to know that some Macs shipped with OS X 10.5
and can only go to OS X 10.6.

My G4 sawtooth has a wide range of operating systems...
Mac OS 8.6-Mac OS X 10.5.8

some later lower end core duo machines shipped with leopard....

I do think it is not going to be a list of unsupported processors, but more
of a bold statement of obsoleteness.
It's not just core duo and all of the early intel macs that will have no
more support, but I think that Apple is dropping support basically for ALL
32-bit intel macs. I don't understand.... My iMac G5 is 64-bit but Apple
doesn't support it anymore. If they make (It won't happen, though for a
FACT) a version of OS X 10.7 for G5's only, then i would be happy. because
OS X 10.6 is all about optimization and 64-bit stuff. G5's are 64-bit, so
why drop support for them?

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