Malcom 'o Brian, you have a 17" iMac G4 800? THose are nice machines you
know, I have 2. One is a 17" 1.25Ghz that WAS a 1Ghz but had it's logic
board replaced because of an unknown reason. My second iMac G4 is identical
to yours except it is a 15" screen, and it's internal IDE Bus failed. It is
running fine now with an external 300GB Firewire drive. Another iMac
saved.... =)

The previous owner of my iMac 800 said "Whenever I think of that iMac, I
think of problems."
Now, this iMac is free or problems because of me! the only problem was the
IDE failure. I gave someone $30 and a GeForce 256MB 6200 AGP card on
craigslist, and they gave me this external drive. Nice and speedy iMac, only
now it has over 3.5x it's original 80GB storage capacity.

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