trying not to repeat the switch from OS 9 to OS X

But see, that switch was mostly painless for users. This reaps them mucho good will from many people (such as me). In fact, there were 3 enormous changes over the years:

1. 68xxx to PowerPC
2. OS<Arabic numeral> to OS<Roman numeral>
3. PowerPC to Intel

ALL of these were achieved with hardly a bump to non-tech users. Amazing! Compare and contrast this with non-tech Windows users who start out screwed and get screwed over again every time ANYTHING happens.

For this I had boundless respect for Apple. And just before Enormous Change 3, I bought my iMac. EC3 did not really bump me. And I was thrown under the bus with such alacrity and finality that it made my head spin. :P

But they still haven't squandered all my good will.
800MHz 17" flat panel iMac running Leopard (1GB RAM, 500GB HD)

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