Sorry all. Meant to include this review too.

On 1/21/2011 12:12 AM, Jason Brown wrote:
There was a very very rare dual processor upgrade for the Yikes! G4. A firmware patch on the B&W and you could run one. Presuming you can actually find one.

On 1/20/2011 11:56 PM, Ashgrove wrote:
Hi Dave,

The short answer is no.

The longer one: B&W "Smurf" machines have a completely different logic
board than a 450 dual Gigabit machine, with a ZIF socket for the CPU.

There are upgrades for your machine, though. You can easily find a G4
500Mhz Sonnet CPU very cheap, and OWC has a G3 1Ghz PowerLogix upgrade
for around $100.

Best of luck,


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