Mark Crispin wrote:
> On Thu, 13 Aug 2009, Thomas Börkel wrote:
>> OK, but is it normal, that the client can get the server to list the
>> content of the filesystem root (when I enter "/" as mail root)?
> Unless you choose to restrict it, imapd can access any file that the
> user can access.

OK, I thought access to "/" was restricted by default.

>>> Otherwise, don't set mailsubdir, and instead set "root folder" to
>>> "mail".
>> Then I have to set it in all other clients as well.
> Correct.  I consider that to be the lesser evil.
>> Is there anything else I can enter as "root folder", which will not list
>> the mail folder itself (as a workaround)?
> I don't know.  I don't think that it's a good idea; you already are in
> trouble because of multiple workarounds.

I think, I will live with the workaround of entering "./" as root folder
for now.

So, I will report to Palm, that they should not only search the #mh
namespace, right? They should search all or only the default namespace?

And provide them this answer from uw-imap:
* NAMESPACE (("" "/")("#mhinbox" NIL)("#mh/" "/")) (("~" "/"))
(("#shared/" "/")("#ftp/" "/")("#news." ".")("#public/" "/"))


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