I've had to deal with this same misbehaving IMAP client.

The good news is that if you do set your maildir as an absolute path the client will put mail it sends into "Sent" and stuff you trash into "Trash".

The bad news is that although it does now list all your other mailboxen via the little triangle in the Mail Account list.. they are NOT nested nor even alphabetized! This makes it totally useless for anything but INBOX for fetching. I sent them a trace of their misbehavior months ago.....maybe you can get their attention, Thomas.

Mark Crispin wrote:
On Thu, 13 Aug 2009, Thomas Börkel wrote:
OK, I thought access to "/" was restricted by default.

It's not.  By default, imapd is just like ssh or ftp.

So, I will report to Palm, that they should not only search the #mh
namespace, right? They should search all or only the default namespace?


They should search all personal namespaces, not just the last one in the personal namespace list. It's OK to search "#mh/", but not to the exclusion of "".

And provide them this answer from uw-imap:
* NAMESPACE (("" "/")("#mhinbox" NIL)("#mh/" "/")) (("~" "/")) (("#shared/" "/")("#ftp/" "/")("#news." ".")("#public/" "/"))

Right. There are three personal namespaces there: "", "#mhinbox", and "#mh/". A LIST of each of these on your system will show that only "" is useful. On other systems it may be a different story.

-- Mark --

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to eat for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.

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