On Wed, 14 Oct 2009, Ico wrote:
The whole thing is frustrating.

You are frustrated because you repeatedly try the same thing and expect different results.

Try something different.

Look at those include files and see if you can figure out the way to do an equivalent override to that in BSD.

Get the Apache developers to fix their product so it does not consume as many file descriptors, at least in the areas in which it invokes external libraries.

File a complaint with the maintainers of glibc to fix their product, so that this issue gets fixed in ALL software and not just kludged in one place in one library.

Get over the idea that the UW IMAP maintainer is somehow going to fix all your problems for you. There is no UW IMAP maintainer, and there hasn't been one for nearly a year and a half. Even if there was, this isn't a problem in UW IMAP; it's a problem in glibc, Apache, and/or the kernel.

I am particularly unimpressed by the "it's a well-known problem in glibc" argument. If it is well known, then why hasn't it been fixed yet?

Last but not least, what is this entitlement mentality that you seem to have? If you are dissatisfied, take it back to the dealer that you bought it from for a full refund of your purchase price. Oh, you didn't pay anything...oh dear...oh my...

If an application is mission-critical for you, then it is YOUR responsibility to see to it that you have support in place. Either you must support it yourself, or you must pay someone to support it for you. Your failure to do so is nobody's problem but your own.

If this were my mission-critical system, I would fix glibc and be done with it.

-- Mark --

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to eat for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.
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