On Thu, 15 Oct 2009, Ico Doornekamp wrote:
There were - and still are -- sites that run UW IMAP on platforms that
do not have a select() call able to handle more then 1024 file

Name one.

BSD and Linux systems are perfectly capable of handling more than 1024 file descriptors in the select() call.

The problem is in glibc. A ONE LINE bugfix to two glibc include files fixes that limitation.


There were -- and still are -- sites that use UW IMAP on platforms
that do not have a poll() call.
Send in a patch to fix those platforms!

The patch is to fix the broken glibc includes on Linux, and has already been discussed in more than enough detail for anyone to figure out what to do.

-- Mark --

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to eat for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.
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